Moses and John
by Arlen L. Chitwood

book cover



   Chapter 1     Chapter 2      Chapter 3 

   Chapter 4     Chapter 5     

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   Chapter 1      Chapter 2      Chapter 3  

   Chapter 4      Chapter 5     

Scripture deals with man centrally in relation to regality, the earth, and 7,000 years of time.  This was all set forth in the opening thirty-four verses of Scripture (Genesis 1:1-2:3), forming a foundation upon which the whole of subsequent Scripture rests.

Scripture deals sparingly with that which occurred prior to and/or following these 7,000 years.  Events occurring during time in these two realms are dealt with in Scripture, but only to an extent that will allow man to tie the whole of the matter together (i.e., allow man to understand the reason for his existence, the reason for these 7,000 years, and that which will occur after these seven millenniums have run their course.

Scripture also deals sparingly with fallen man relative to eternal salvation, though because of man’s fall in Genesis chapter three, this is where matters must begin (as previously seen in Genesis 1:2-5).  Scripture, in the main, deals with man after He has passed “from death to life,” i.e., after he has been eternally saved.  And Scripture, dealing with man in this respect, as previously stated, deals with him relative to regality and the government of the eartha position and domain that man was created in the beginning to occupy, one which he will one day occupy, during the seventh and last of the seven millenniums.

This is the message that one should hear from the pulpit of any church in the land Sunday after Sunday, though, because of the working of the leaven throughout the dispensation (Matthew 13:33; cf. Revelation 3:14-21), this is the message that one almost never hears in any church in any land on any Sunday.

This was Moses’ message throughout the five books beginning Scripture.  And, some 1,500 years later, this was John’s message — written in a parallel fashion to that which Moses had previously written — in the five books that the Spirit moved him to write.

As well, this is at the center of the subject matter seen in that which any other writer of Scripture penned, though not in the same parallel fashion seen in Moses’ and John’s writings.