So Great Salvation
by Arlen L. Chitwood

book cover

   Foreword     Chapter 1      Chapter 2

   Chapter 3     Chapter 4      Chapter 5


  Documents in Microsoft Word Format:

    Foreword     Chapter 1      Chapter 2

    Chapter 3     Chapter 4      Chapter 5

This book centers on the book of Hebrews, one of the most misunderstood, and therefore misinterpreted, books within the New Testament.  One of the primary reasons this book is misunderstood and misinterpreted is due to the concept referred to by some as "illegitimate totality transfer" (the assignment of a meaning pertaining to a word, e.g., "salvation," in one context to the use of the same word in every other context, which, in fact, is done regardless of context), an exercise that stems from not identifying which aspect (past, present, or future) of God's "salvation" that is being addressed in this book.
Many fine theologians and dedicated Bible students throughout the ages have wrongly assumed that the book of Hebrews concerns itself with "professing (but not real) Christians."  How sad!  The book is addressed to "true Christians," those who have been legitimately "born again" (from above).
To understand this, one must understand the beginnings in the book.  Arlen Chitwood performs a masterfully study in/of these beginnings, so that the student of God's Word will be set on the correct path as he studies this book, which contains 5 very important warnings for serious consideration by Christians.
I beg of you to place your "preconceived" opinions and positions aside regarding "so great salvation" as is addressed by Hebrews.  If after reading chapter one of this book you are not sparked to further study, then don't bother reading further.  But I am confident that this will not be the case.
In the grace of our Savior,