Prophecy on Mount Olivet
by Arlen L. Chitwood


   Contents       Chapter 1      Chapter 2

   Chapter 3     Chapter 4      Chapter 5

   Chapter 6     Chapter 7      Chapter 8

  Chapter 9     Chapter 10    Chapter 11

  Chapter 12   Chapter 13    Chapter 14

  Chapter 15   Chapter 16    Chapter 17

  Chapter 18   Chapter 19    Chapter 20

  Chapter 21   Chapter 22   Chapter 23

  Chapter 24   Conclusion   Appendix 1

  Appendix 2   Appendix 3  

  Documents in Microsoft Word Format:

  Contents        Chapter 1       Chapter 2

  Chapter 3      Chapter 4       Chapter 5

  Chapter 6      Chapter 7       Chapter 8

  Chapter 9      Chapter 10     Chapter 11

  Chapter 12    Chapter 13    Chapter 14

  Chapter 15    Chapter 16    Chapter 17

  Chapter 18    Chapter 19    Chapter 20

  Chapter 21    Chapter 22    Chapter 23

  Chapter 24    Conclusion    Appendix 1

  Appendix 2   Appendix 3

To properly understand the message that Christ delivered to His disciples, recorded in Matthew 24, 25, one must understand the overall framework of events in Matthew’s gospel.  The subject at hand throughout this gospel is the King and the proffered Kingdom.  With the King present in Israel’s midst, the Kingdom of the Heavens (the heavenly portion of the Messianic Kingdom — a rule from the heavens over the earth) was offered to and rejected by Israel.  With Israel’s rejection, the kingdom of the heavens was taken from Israel with a view to the kingdom being offered to a separate and distinct nation.”  The house of Israel, rejecting the King and the Kingdom, was then left desolate (Matthew 21:33-43; 23:38, 39).

The discourse that Christ delivered to His disciples on Mount Olivet was given immediately following His pronouncement of desolation upon the house of Israel, two days prior to the time Israel would climax the nation’s rejection by crucifying “Jesus, the King of the Jews” (cf. Matthew 23:38; 26:2; 27:37).  Christ had previously mentioned the Church, anticipating that which was about to occur (Matthew 16:18).  He then alluded to the previously mentioned Church (though the Church was not yet in existence) shortly before His discourse on Mount Olivet as the “nation” that would be allowed to bring forth fruit in the realm where Israel had failed (Matthew 21:43; cf. Matthew 21:18, 19).  And the Church was about to be called into existence to be the recipient of that which had been rejected by and taken from Israel.

Christ’s discourse on Mount Olivet takes into account all things that had previously occurred during His earthly ministry (anticipating the existence of the Church) and concerns not only Israel and the Church but also the Gentile nations.  This discourse, delivered in a tripartite manner, deals:

1)      With the house of Israel (apart from the kingdom of the heavens) during and following the Tribulation (24:4-39).

2)      With the Church (in relation to the kingdom of the heavens) during and following the present dispensation (24:40-25:30).

3)      With the saved out of the Gentile nations (in relation to the kingdom) following the Tribulation (25:31-46).