Word Study
Arlen L. Chitwood


(Hebrew Text)

Two different words are used for “naked” in the Hebrew text of Genesis 2:25(before the fall) and Genesis 3:7(after the fall).  In the latter (3:7), the word has to do with absolute nakedness, but not so in the former (2:25).

Remaining within the way a person dressed in the East at the time Moses wrote Genesis, and at later times as well, the word used relative to nakedness pertaining to Adam and Eve preceding the fall (2:25) could be used to describe a person clothed in a tunic (inner garment) but lacking the mantle or cloak (outer garment).  In the preceding respect, prior to the fall, Adam and Eve were clothed in the Glory of God but had yet to possess the regal outer garments worn by kings (fulfilling the reason for man’s creation — to rule the earth (Genesis 1:26-28)).

Then, following the fall, no longer clothed in the Glory of God, Adam and Eve were no longer in a position to be further clothed in regal garments, realizing the purpose for their creation.  They, apart from the inner garment (the Glory) could not wear the outer garments (royal apparel).

Adam, prior to the fall, never wore regal garments or held the scepter.  In this respect, he never moved beyond the description given in Genesis 2:25 — a “naked” condition, “naked” in relation to the reason for his creation(lacking the outer regal garments).

Thus, if man, now separated from the Glory, is to ever fulfill the purpose for his creation, God must act.  Redemption has to occur; and this, of necessity, has to include the complete man — spirit, soul, and body — with a view to not only a restoration of the Glory but to regality beyond this restoration.

(Taken from Salvation of the Soul, Chapter 1)