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From Egypt to Canaan

By Arlen L. Chitwood


Contents & Foreword & Introduction






1.         Saved for a Purpose

2.         Two Callings, Two Houses

3.         Whose House Are We, If . . .

4.         Companions of Christ, If . . .

5.         The Sabbath Rest

6.         The Septenary Arrangement of Scripture

7.         Let Us Labor Therefore

8.         Let Us Therefore Come Boldly




Something that must be understood in biblical studies is the fact that Old Testament history has been recorded after a particular fashion.  Not only does Old Testament history comprise an actual account of that which God wants His people to know concerning events throughout the 4,000 years preceding Christ’s first coming, but this history is also fraught with types and meaning.


Actually, all Old Testament history has been written after this fashion.  In the words of Paul to the church in Corinth,


            Now all these things happened to them as examples [lit., “for types”] . . . .

            (1 Corinthians 10:11; cf. v. 6)


And though this passage written to the church in Corinth refers more specifically to events during the wilderness journey of the Israelites under Moses, other portions of Scripture make it perfectly clear that this is not the only block of Old Testament history that has been recorded after this fashion.


When Christ dealt with the two disciples on the Emmaus road following His resurrection, He began “at Moses and all the Prophets” and “expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luke 24:27).  All Old Testament Scripture is about Christ, beginning with Genesis 1:1.


Christ is the Word that became flesh.  The former is the Living Word in written form; the latter is the living Word manifested in flesh, God, inseparably identified with the Word as well (He would have to be because of the inseparable nature of the trinity), became flesh in the person of His Son (John 1:1, 2, 14).


The Old Testament Scriptures, beginning with the opening verse of Genesis, set forth numerous inexhaustible word pictures of the person and work of Christ.  And these word pictures are set forth largely within the numerous divinely designed and established types found in all revealed Old Testament history.


God, in this manner, throughout the Old Testament Scriptures, has seen fit to reveal the numerous facets of Christ’s person and work — past, present, and future.  This is the way Scripture has been written, and this is the way Scripture must be studied and understood.

This book, From Egypt to Canaan, deals not only with the type extending from Exodus chapter twelve through Joshua but also with the original type in Genesis 1:1-2:3.


The type beginning in Exodus chapter twelve is simply an expansion of the former, adding numerous details.  The original type in Genesis was set perfect at the beginning; and the subsequent type beginning in Exodus, designed and established by the same triune God, can only remain in complete accord with the original at every point, in every detail.


The second of the five major warnings in Hebrews, covering chapters three and four, draws extensively from both types.  Hebrews, chapter three draws its spiritual lessons from the type beginning with Exodus chapter twelve; and Hebrews, chapter four refers back to the original type in Genesis chapters one and two for its spiritual lessons.


And that is, accordingly, the order in which this book, From Egypt to Canaan, deals with the two types.  The first part of the book (chapters 1-4) deals with the latter type, beginning in Exodus; and the last part of the book (chapters 5-8) deals with the former type, opening the book of Genesis.